It is time to leave Adelaide today. We have had a brilliant stay here and this is definitely one of my favourite cities so far, but it is time to move on. We are planning to get to Melbourne, but stretch the journey over 2 days so we don't push Maggie too hard.
To get out of Adelaide we had to take Maggie up a massive hill and she could only plod along at 60kmph maximum, which was a very slow pace. At least the trucks were driving slower than us this time but we were kicking out a load of smoke.
So we broke down at least 5 times and then finally made the decision to try and get the car back to the farm. However getting back may take a while as we were only doing 30kmph.
We couldn't bare the pace any longer so we stopped off at the next town to try and buy a drain plug as ours was leaking and, the story of our lives, nowhere had one available. Then Leigh had a brain wave and gave Maggie a temporary fix by bypassing the fuel filter. Now Maggie works like a dream, but for how long?
We arrived at Renmark by 5pm and found a campsite for the night. Hopefully tomorrow will be a less stressful day.
Animal count: We saw a strange possum creature (I'm afraid I have no clue what type it is) and it's family. We couldn't get a picture as it was way too dark. Will have to research the creature once we get back to the farm.
12463 + 267 = 12,730km completed.
Day 36:
We left Renmark by 9am and headed towards Mildura to see if we could pick up the part for the car before heading back to the farm. Typically there wasn't a part, as we expected but Leigh was sure we could make it back.
The journey wasn't very exciting and we definitly didn't see as many emus as we did on the way there. However we arrived back at the farm by 5pm and it was so nice to see everyone and Chonny cooked us a delicious dinner. We will have to make other plans to get to Melbourne.
Animal count: We saw over 30 Pelicans at the campsite this morning.
12730 + 606 = 13,336 km completed.
To be continued...
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